Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I am angry and passionate care to know why?

For years I have been torn apart over the office of The President of The United States of America. I have seen beloved presidents who have outright lied to a group of people to get elected and then abandoned them when in office. I have seen people who have not one care for the people they were elected to govern after they swore to protect them. They have strong-armed their way to passing laws that were poisoning the entire population. They seem more motivated by money than justice. Many friends and family have been lead to the slaughter by these liars and thieves to include me. Local, State and Federal elections have all left me disappointed. how is it that people who have never actually done anything remotely to qualify to hold the most powerful office in the world are getting traction? I see friends and family parroting the rhetoric and lies these people spew and believing that a group that has never done a thing for them can gain such loyalty from them? Why do we keep allowing our elected officials to draw more power and money to themselves at our expense? We all live a little leaner every year and watch our kids struggle to get off the ground. We agonize as we see them work so hard and have so little. They are robbed the minute they leave for college and it never stops. Having to see these kids and friends and family continue to put all their hope in an organization that has become the ultimate parasite hurts me beyond words. Never in my life has the government ever done anything that has made our lives better. Everything they do has a price tag on it. Everything they regulate becomes less efficient and more expensive. They have created a large group of people that are willing to live off the crumbs from the great table in Washington. The waste and the luxury in our nation's capital will make you want to vomit. Just tighten that belt and no child would ever go hungry again. Clean up the pay to play going on at ALL levels of government and we could all have affordable drugs and really great healthcare. We do not have social issues we have government issues. If you are not willing to see this or able to find the grit to say this is wrong then you have bought into the entire deal.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Many Faces of Pain

Pain is something we all endure in our lifetime. But there is some pain that cannot be cured with medicines. The pain that debilitates is only one layer to the entire complexity. Pain that keeps us from being active can have multiple symptoms.  Like being in pain so you cannot perform daily tasks. The pain of knowing someone else has to take up your slack. The pain of looking into the eyes of your child and telling them that you cannot play with them. The pain of suffering the embarrassment of having to constantly say no. The pain of knowing you are not always going to be there when the ones you love need you. The pain of knowing your disability is costing your family the type of lifestyle you would wish for them. The pain of feeling like a failure. You look to doctors, medicines, and God for strength but where do you go when that isn't enough? You pray your family will be alright with what you are and what you can do. The pain of settling for less. So when you know someone is in pain realize that the pain runs deeper than the physical. Understand why they are the way they are. Forgive them the mistakes they will make.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Dear Santa,

      I have had some moments in the past year and yes I have been naughty a time or two but don't you want to rethink things a little? I know a good many folk who have been more naughty than I have and they got some really nice things for Christmas. I mean my family out gifted you by a long shot. Heck, even my friends beat the stew out of you. I would expect a lump of coal or a bundle of switches but dude I am not an axe murderer. I bet even jackwagons like that subway dude did better for Christmas than I did. So I am going to do the best with what you have given me and try to be good this year. But next year could you please not give me cancer? I have enough to deal with and this is a real drag.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day

A silent bell tolls and the end of your watch is nigh. As you return from post and patrol to go to your heavenly rest we take up the post and patrol in your stead. Your name whispered on the lips of every one of us who declares our freedom under the banner of the greatest country in the world made so by your sacrifice. We The People remember and lift on high your name and your life as due payment for the freedom we so richly enjoy. Never forgotten and always remembered as the reason for the blessed gift you have given us all with your honored blood.

Monday, January 19, 2015

I Don't Feel Well

When I don't feel well stops being an excuse and becomes a way of life. When pain, like a raw nerve as sharp as a knife. You used up your resolve just the other day. Life is an obstacle that gets in your way. When sleep is a curse that comes at a cost. When you awake in pain you know you have lost. Time ticks on by but it doesn't get better. You live out your days just under the weather. Family and friends faces are so sad. They know what you are going through must be bad. The perpetual smile that graced your face now looks like a smirk has taken its place. Doctors and lawyers just to get by leave with nothing just wanting to cry. To face your children from day to day when they know that you are feeling this way. They all walk on eggshells and act as you're broken. You fall into society just as a token. Your faith is stretched paper thin no hope of success no win win win. What is left to do but move at  your slow pace. One foot in front of the other a pathetic race. You turn your back on the things that you knew when bathing and dressing is all you can do. Angry and grumpy a constant friend. I just want it all to end. Thinking of what you leave for your wife. A broken unhappy sad little life. Trying so hard to make it all work. Trying so hard not to be an ungrateful jerk. I think I will go now it all has been said. Another day dawning on hope that is dead.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

iPhone 5 and Apple iOS7

Dear Suckers,

     Every time you wait in line for yet another electronic raping P.T. Barnum's dead toes curl. Apple zombie apocalypse has already occurred and lets face it you did not survive. I have seen and used Apple products and just because they did it first doesn't mean it is or ever will be the best. So while you allow all of your personal data to be sucked into the cloud that is currently being hosted by the NSA I will remain anonymous with my antiquated phone that makes phone calls. I don't care how many tinfoil balls you stuff into your hippie beanie when you give out your fingerprint recognition information you might as well use your privates as the face recognition key to unlock your phone. Slavery no longer needs chains it has catchy dubstep tunes played through over priced ear buds that still don't last any longer than the cheap ones. Oh yes my little piggies you are being lead to yet another slaughter. Wait until that freaking iWatch has a damn polygraph feature added to it without your knowledge. Hurry out today to obtain your new Orwellian finger sucker. I can't wait to see what you can't do with the new iOS7 and the hoops you have to jump through to make it actually work without giving your credit card information to Al Qaeda.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Character is the one thing that is entirely yours to build or destroy. It really seems that in this day and age it is just better to back stab, lie, cheat, or steal than to do the "right" thing. We have all had to stretch truth a time or two but what did we gain in the process? Lets break it down shall we? Those who know what I mean when I say that someone is a person of character will tell you that he or she is trustworthy and a good friend. Character is about knowing who you are and how you act toward other people. Along with character comes integrity. Many sayings come to mind such as "He is as good as his word" or "his word is his bond" it is about not making a promise you cannot keep. People of character are rarely ever looking out for themselves or seeking recognition. They rarely over exaggerate a situation and are truthful all of the time. For instance a person who has little character or self esteem will answer this question this way; How was your trip? It was the most awesomest, amazing, beast, epic, killer, trip ever! A person of character would say It was a lovely trip I truly enjoyed myself.

Now I described that to tell you this. There are few people of character left to carry on the civil act of being a decent human being. Too many liars who sneak around and cannot face their betters. So many who covet that which they have not earned and are unwilling to put in an honest days work. I have personally suffered long hours and financial loss to retain my character and good word. I have no regrets with regard to this but really get steamed when I see others of poor character succeed in any way. You know who you are because you cannot honestly look me in the eye! Hell you can't even look yourself in the mirror. I hold my head up high every single day. Not because I am prideful or boastful. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had and strive to make the best of every situation. Oh believe me when I say I have failed more than one time. But I did it honestly and with integrity. That is what the current generation is lacking. A sense of honor and commitment to a moral standard that is above reproach. I weep for those who cannot see beyond their own ego, selfishness, and greed. Pay attention to the world around you because the way you are acting someone is going to be gunning for you. Living your life looking back with regret is not a price that is worth paying for ANYTHING!