Wednesday, November 14, 2012

David Petraeus

I don't know about you folks but I could do with a lot less of where David Petraeus has been sticking his member in my news these days. I mean we didn't care this much about where Bill Clinton stuck his Dutch Master! I know we need to be respectful of one another especially a Woman's right to control what happens to her body but come on. On a personal level I am sure those who know me can attest I treat ALL women with the utmost respect. That is until they prove to be something other than respectable. I am fairly certain that David Petraeus (So tired of typing this guys last name) didn't go out and club this woman over the head before dragging her back to his cave. I am also very certain there was something there other than knuckle dragging, raw steak eating, testosterone driven, lust that made David Petraeus (Good Irish Boy right?) pursue an extra marital relationship with her.

No matter if you judge him a lecherous old toady or sick little pervert there is more to this than we know. I am not talking about conspiracy theories either people I mean good old common sense! We have all played the diversionary tactics game to hide our shenanigans now haven't we? It is mighty damn fishy that all of this was known months prior to the election and not one word was said then?

I do not condone the actions of David Petraeus (Where did he get that last name? You say Dad and I will slap you) but we can all agree this stinks like yet another crap sandwich from the political realm. We can only choke so many of those crap sandwiches down before we get a tremendous case of the red ass and do something about it. I for one think our government has become a worthless money pit that has hair balled into a world wrecking nightmare. Feel free to exercise your right to rant on this topic as it is unfolding.

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