Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We can't fix stupid.

Folks I see so many intolerant comments from those who preach tolerance these days that it makes me want to puke. We are all imperfect. We make mistakes. We say things in anger that if we had the time to think it through would not have said at all. If a person is to be held accountable for every thing they have done wrong or said that was angry we would all be in jail. I am the last person to cast stones as I certainly live in a glass house. The recent Paula Deen incident is proof positive that we live in a Godless, loveless, hateful world filled with self righteous assholes. Yes I said it and I will probably say it again. SO WHAT! If a person makes changes to correct the ignorant behavior have we not room in our heart to forgive. Note I said forgive but never forget. Bottom line if you are offended by hate words like Honkey, Cracker, Faggot, Homo, Queer, Chink, Spic, Polok, Mic, Kike, Heine, Nigger, Porch Monkey, Blue Gum, or any of a thousand more I could list then perhaps you should rethink your life choices instead of pointing fingers. If you are one then might it be a burden on you to make amends? Should I forgive you for being a lazy ass life sucking dumbass who steals food from my table and toys from my children? GROW THE HELL UP PEOPLE! This isn't High School it is LIFE! Start living yours and stop trying to steal mine.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day

I have, for many years, tried to think of ways to show my Father what he means to me. I have tried gifts and lavish meals but they all fell woefully short of my intentions. As I grow older and am the Father of three boys I think the only thing I can say is what I feel. Every time I come across a parental decision I have a pause and think "What would Dad do". It has not failed me yet. Every time I take a moment and try to recall exactly how my Dad raised me before acting on a parental decision I have met with great success. Dad didn't always get it 100% right but it was better than I could do without his guidance. He was always kind enough to listen to every question and give the best answer he could. He was a great teacher, mentor, and friend. He had expectations that were set in stone and he never budged even when I put on my best begging act. He kept me on the right path. He allowed me to make my own mistakes and learn my lessons while keeping me safe from my own short shortsightedness. Now as I look to be a good Dad I once again have my Dad to thank because I have an entire lifetime of great memories to draw upon. Thank you Dad for always being my Dad first. It really did make a difference. Much love and kindness comes with that ultimate of offerings. I understand that now more than I ever have.

With much love and gratitude,


Monday, June 10, 2013

I am so very angry.

You may ask why the title to this particular blog. Well this is a very personal blog not your run of the mill political rant against tyranny. So stick with me for a few moments and learn why I am in fact so very angry. Imagine a young man raised to be clean and decent, to be upright and faithful to those you choose to partner with. A young man that took personal responsibility to be safe when having intimate relations with the women he chose to partner with. A young man who avoided the peer pressure to be "cool" and never altering his body which is a gift from God. Yep no tattoo or piercing even living and growing up in the 1980's. A young man that made informed and well thought out decisions regarding the health care professionals he chose to allow to practice medicine on him. Living as "Godly" a life as he had the ability to do so even realizing he is a failed sinner. Now after 43 years of playing it safe and doing the right thing he is told that he has been poisoned by those he chose to care for him. His family may be robbed of him. His boys may not have a Father there to watch them win that game, graduate from school, build a life, find their mate. To have to face a wife daily that he may not grow old with. Looking at the worry on the face of a Father that may have to bury his only child. To weekly have to report bad news to his precious friends. All for the neglect and carelessness of a healthcare "professional". All because a poison was introduced into his body not of his choosing or in spite of his careful life of cleanliness and thoughtfulness. Do I have the right to be angry? is this some punishment for the sins I have committed in my life? I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. As we go through the steps of typing and finding treatment for it I as that each of you who read this pray. I ask you to pray for those I mentioned above. I do not ever wish to hurt them even with the possible problems with treatment as we desperately seek a cure for this. Pray that this has not ruined my liver so that I can survive the treatments that are available. Pray that those who seek to treat my illness make the best possible decisions. Pray for 3 young boys who desperately need their Father to be there for them. Pray for a wife who should not have to face the future alone. Pray for a Father who does not want to outlive his Son. Pray that the anger does not consume my thoughts. Pray.