Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality

     Alright folks lets talk. I am seeing a great deal of turmoil over the topic of who should have the "right" to be married. No matter how you define it marriage between 2 people is their business not yours. They only go through the paces to allow others to share in their joy. It is a choice they make between themselves and God. Who are we to second guess God's willingness to allow or disallow anything? Human rights are easily granted by giving ALL human beings an even playing field. The fact that we judge folks on the decisions they make is where the real sin lies. We pat ourselves on the back to make ourselves feel better. We espouse other people's causes to feel good about our shitty behavior. Stop sitting on the fence waiting for others to stand up and do the right thing. Reach down and grab that tiny set of nuts buried deep and be a person not a sheeple. I refuse to say that marriage is wrong just because I read a passage in The Bible that "might" be interpreted that way. Once again who am I to judge? Do not lead I may not follow. Do not follow I may not lead. Just walk with me and be my friend.

      Rant #2 visa vi the current hubub about marriage equality. Who do you think you are helping or impressing by dragging out your "Gay friend/family member" to bolster your sincerity? It is like someone calling you racist and bringing out your ethnic friend to prove your point. Stand on your own words and actions. If you are a dickhead it doesn't matter how many friends of a certain group you espouse you are still in fact a dickhead.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The right to carry verses is it right to carry

For many years now I have steadily become aware of the need for a head of a family to be prepared for just about anything. With 3 growing boys I have had quite a few curve balls thrown my way. As I eased on into 40+ years of age, yeah right eased, I began to realize that I was in fact not 10 feet tall nor bullet proof. I also discovered that the life of my children meant more to me than the life of a stranger who would put them in harms way. I could not live with myself if I had to watch my children and my wife be harmed and be unable to do anything about it. I have owned guns and or been around them all of my life but never paid all that much attention to them. I didn't feel the need to have that level of protection. Then I met a sweet young lady and we have 3 wonderful boys and well, I started thinking about it. As the years went by I started to see more violent crimes, sexual assaults, armed robberies, and home invasions. the more I looked at the problem of keeping my family safe I discovered that no amount of alarms, cell phones, pepper spray, or baseball bats could help me keep my family safe. The only way to combat an attacker with a firearm is to have a firearm myself. It was a personal and moral choice. As a Christian the thought of having to take a life is appalling. I don't want to harm anyone. But the thought of my wife or my children being hurt because I was not prepared made even less sense. I did all the right things, researched the best way to defend my home, got a really big dog that is sweet as can be but mean looking enough to deter some would be invaders. I still did not feel I had given it my best. So I purchased a firearm. I trained with it, learned all about it, and told no one I had it. I simply kept it put away for that one time I might need it. As my boys got older I decided to get a gun safe. It was the right thing to do to protect them from the very thing I had bought to protect them with. My wife eventually got a gun and trained with it as well. When my boys asked I would show the guns to them and explain their workings and operation. As they got older, my oldest will be 20 this year, I took them and taught them what my Father taught me. I made sure they could safely operate the firearms we own and how to maintain them. I know some of you find most gun owners to be a little off of center and maybe I am. But it is my sole desire to own this weapon and never need to level it at another human being as long as I draw breath. Unfortunately times require good people to prepare to fight for the lives of those they love. My family is worth fighting for. So I carry a gun. I do not use this as a means to influence others. Usually I am the only one who knows I have it with me. Some might say that I am overly paranoid. Tell that to the folks in the movie theater or in the elementary school. Through no fault of our own we are exposed to those who would wish us harm for no other reason than they are mentally deranged or just plain evil. I feel it is right to carry for these reasons and I exercise this right with great respect, care, and caution.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Astronaut diapers and democracy?

Yesterday we all got the privilege of watching democracy at work. For the first time in many years I felt like my elected officials were actually making the effort to protect our freedoms. Lead by Rand Paul the junior Senator from the state of Kentucky a filibuster of the vote to approve the new CIA Director John Brennan. This was not in protest of Mr. Brennan but a demand for answers on the use of drones in The United States against citizens of The United States. For how long did we hear about "racial profiling"? How long did we hear the Democrats chest thump about due process and the 5th Amendment? Well we got to witness a group of Senators demand answers the proper way. They didn't go on national television and call someone a granny killer or throw someone under the bus. They simply asked, repeatedly for clarification of a question. Now if we were dealing with adults who were not criminal in their behavior this would not have made the news. Well let me rephrase that it would not have made Fox News. Most of the propaganda channels did little to cover or draw attention to the fact that our President got caught peeing in the pool and is too butt hurt to act like an adult. Our rights and freedoms are being held hostage by a terrorist. It is a shame that all the folks looking for something for nothing elected this individual to the highest office in the land. What does it say to you when the leader of the free world gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar on a power grab and does nothing to come clean? Well I best watch what I say before my house gets droned. Perhaps they should have fired 2 blasts off the balcony?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Grim Reaper of Stupidity

Brothers and Sisters! The Grim Reaper of Stupidity has descended upon us! We have a situation in this country that has become an epidemic. Folks we have a shortage of sensible, decent, hard working folks to keep all the idiots in check. We have allowed unruly children to take over the house. We let them forcibly elect a President who cannot and will not make them behave. Our government has prostituted themselves over a vote. They have cow towed to the lazy. They have given from the haves to the will nots. Yes they have lead the unknowing into the light of free stuff for the sake of remaining in power. We are all to blame for allowing our children and family members to act this way. They have used civil rights and lawyers and police forces to take our ability to deal with our own away from us. Now we have nothing left but to allow the behavior until the children behave so poorly that they break the laws of those lifting up their piss poor behavior to begin with. We have allowed the ignorant access to vast amounts of money that is not theirs and they did not earn in the name of capitalism. We have built a financial house of cards by lending huge sums of money to people who have no prayer of paying it back. We build houses people cannot afford and sell them cars they cannot keep and sell them electronics they can ill afford while lavishing each other with jewelry they cannot pay for. Then they claim bankruptcy and you and I pay the price for their fiscal irresponsibility. We give those who refuse to work the false hope that they too deserve The American Dream. We allow people who are not citizens of this country to enjoy a living condition which exceeds the lower 30% of the working population for no other reason than to make a small group of politicians feel like they are good people? Stupid can kill folks. It is breaking the backs of a full 45% of the population. Now if I am forced between the decision to follow these ridiculous laws or break them and rebel in order to properly care for my family guess which one I will choose. Outward resistance to these back breaking laws made by greedy power hungry narcissists is going to be the next civil uprising. If America comes to this we will see the collapse of the world economy and war on a global scale never before seen. So how many people are you actually saving by doing this you mindless usurpers of liberty?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sequestration and Government shut down.

I sincerely hope that these simple sons a bitches shut the government down over sequestration. It will be a win win win for the entire country. They should all pack their shit up and head on home. Best bail out we ever had would be to send every uhaul we can rent to Washington and move these ponzi scheming wretches back to whatever rock they came out from under. From a humanitarian stand point these people have a problem. They are addicted to spending your money. They want to spend it at every turn. If they can't get you to willing give them money to spend they will force it or steal it from you. They desire to wield power over the entire world and they want to get you in a serfdom with them as the manner lord. The problem is not the 1% crowd it is the 1000 or so money grubbing trolls that are running this country. Ween these freaks off the teat cold turkey.