Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I am angry and passionate care to know why?

For years I have been torn apart over the office of The President of The United States of America. I have seen beloved presidents who have outright lied to a group of people to get elected and then abandoned them when in office. I have seen people who have not one care for the people they were elected to govern after they swore to protect them. They have strong-armed their way to passing laws that were poisoning the entire population. They seem more motivated by money than justice. Many friends and family have been lead to the slaughter by these liars and thieves to include me. Local, State and Federal elections have all left me disappointed. how is it that people who have never actually done anything remotely to qualify to hold the most powerful office in the world are getting traction? I see friends and family parroting the rhetoric and lies these people spew and believing that a group that has never done a thing for them can gain such loyalty from them? Why do we keep allowing our elected officials to draw more power and money to themselves at our expense? We all live a little leaner every year and watch our kids struggle to get off the ground. We agonize as we see them work so hard and have so little. They are robbed the minute they leave for college and it never stops. Having to see these kids and friends and family continue to put all their hope in an organization that has become the ultimate parasite hurts me beyond words. Never in my life has the government ever done anything that has made our lives better. Everything they do has a price tag on it. Everything they regulate becomes less efficient and more expensive. They have created a large group of people that are willing to live off the crumbs from the great table in Washington. The waste and the luxury in our nation's capital will make you want to vomit. Just tighten that belt and no child would ever go hungry again. Clean up the pay to play going on at ALL levels of government and we could all have affordable drugs and really great healthcare. We do not have social issues we have government issues. If you are not willing to see this or able to find the grit to say this is wrong then you have bought into the entire deal.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Many Faces of Pain

Pain is something we all endure in our lifetime. But there is some pain that cannot be cured with medicines. The pain that debilitates is only one layer to the entire complexity. Pain that keeps us from being active can have multiple symptoms.  Like being in pain so you cannot perform daily tasks. The pain of knowing someone else has to take up your slack. The pain of looking into the eyes of your child and telling them that you cannot play with them. The pain of suffering the embarrassment of having to constantly say no. The pain of knowing you are not always going to be there when the ones you love need you. The pain of knowing your disability is costing your family the type of lifestyle you would wish for them. The pain of feeling like a failure. You look to doctors, medicines, and God for strength but where do you go when that isn't enough? You pray your family will be alright with what you are and what you can do. The pain of settling for less. So when you know someone is in pain realize that the pain runs deeper than the physical. Understand why they are the way they are. Forgive them the mistakes they will make.