Friday, January 25, 2013

TANF payments linked to grades

A new bill being proposed in Tennessee would link a families welfare payments to their children's grades in school. This is a sad damn commentary on the state of affairs in America today. The fact that there are parents that are not involved with their child's education is bad enough. Now we have to legislate parental responsibility? This makes me sick.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Carpet Baggers Revisited

Dear Legislative Snake Oil Salesmen,

     ENOUGH! You can't sell it here anymore. We don't want any. We gave at the office. You cannot get blood from a turnip. I know you believe most of America fell off the turnip wagon but let me clue you this old hillbilly didn't fall off the wagon that went past this morning! We are not resources for you to exploit. We are not some tribe in an undeveloped country. If you don't get this we can always re institute the practice of tar and feathering and running you out of town on a rail.

Folks it may come to this! Congress, Senate, and The White House have lost sight of the fact that Americans, no matter their politics, can only be pushed so far. Just ask The British, Spanish, Mexicans, Japanese, and Communists. We have fussed about the rest of the world but it is time for us to take aim at our domestic problems.

Time to play Cowboys and Politicians. We need a Donald Trump "Your Fired". Regardless if you are Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative it is time to use reality as the basis for your politics instead of eating the crap sandwiches these snake oil salesmen are feeding you.

Get Out! Begone! Shooooo! Bugger Off! America is tired of supporting your habits.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Come on Sheeple it is time to step up.

Dear Americans who think everything should be fixed by our Government,

You are delusional and in much need of a reality check. I am going to be so blunt as to deal you some "Reality Cash" in this blog. I hope I offend you. You pampered little whiney babies! Get your head out of your hind end and take responsibility for what you say and do! So you got drunk at that party when you were young and got pregnant or were involved in some way in the act that created a child. EVERYTHING THAT CHILD SAYS OR DOES FOR THE NEXT 18 YEARS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You made a mistake now own up to it. Manage yourself so you can properly raise that child and take care of them. Yes this means you sacrifice. Yes this means you stay home more weekends than you go out. Yes this means you wear clothes until they fall apart. Yes this means you settle for the cheaper things in life. Yes this means you take care of that old vehicle. Yes this means you work hard every single day.

Quit whining about what you don't have and with a grateful heart start looking at the blessings that are in your life. YES YOU WIMP YOU ARE BLESSED! While we are on the subject of weakness I hold each and every person responsible for the following characteristics: Laziness, Stupidity, Crass Language, Rude Behavior. There is no excuse for this so stop being a 3 year old and grow up!

Now for all you self esteem cases who keep jerking around doing things that are outside the realm of intelligent thought and polite behavior STOP IT! You are making an ass of yourself and I for one am tired of tolerating you. You are a moron if you believe that material things or drastic changes in your outward appearance flatter you or impress me in any positive way. You make yourself look a fool and should be treated as such.

For those of you who preach peace love and tolerance, kiss my fat behind! I am no longer willing or capable to ignore stupid behavior and you are full of manure! It doesn't make me feel good to allow other people to hurt themselves and their children because they need attention that Mommy and Daddy didn't give them.

Simply put stop all this nonsense and take some reality cash and get your head in the game folks. You only get one run at this thing called life so stop fumbling the ball and pointing at someone else as an excuse.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Kudos California

Rarely do I praise politicians in my rants but this time they got it right. Recently California passed a bill allowing cottage food start up companies to produce certain food items at home and sell them to restaurants and grocery stores. They eliminated a huge pile of red tape paving the way for entrepreneurs to get a foot hold in the industry. If California lawmakers can get it right even one time it gives me hope that our government can.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Real Entitlement Reform

We all can agree that as a nation and as a people we have a moral obligation to care for those who are less fortunate than we are. The sick, elderly, and handicapped. But for the third and fourth generation welfare recipients and the illegal aliens who could be paying taxes on their earnings enough is enough. Why should we bankrupt our country to elevate you when you are unwilling to lift a finger to obey the law and pull your own weight?

Here is how we reform the system and create jobs in the process. Welfare will no longer be paid out in cash. No more monthly checks. Local contracts will be up for bid in every major city to provide and maintain acceptable living space for those families who require housing. With the housing market where it is the government could take the resources currently being used to pay out millions in welfare checks to build and refurbish existing buildings to house those who need assistance. As a stipulation for living in this facility you must be willing to work, if not disabled completely, a certain number of hours. This work would be in the form of lower level secretarial and office work and telephone work. Face it if you can send and email and file for welfare you can answer a telephone or type a letter. Proper regulation of quality handicapped accessible housing will be provided for your time. Those who are capable of physical labor will help maintain the facility under the supervision of the contracted government entity.

Those who receive food stamps and are not working a job will also be required to work for the food stamps. Public transportation and shuttle services will be contracted to service those living in these facilities as well as medical and dental services. A voucher system for those items not covered by food stamps will be available and existing retailers can bid on those contracts as well. Cash will no longer be provided for those items reducing the amount of waste.

Basically you will be provided for in the manner in which the American people feel is morally acceptable. No longer will we continue to throw money at a problem that is self perpetuating. If you want to live above this basic level you will have to move to where there are jobs. Conversely educational and employment opportunities should be provided to those who wish to better themselves. Deadbeat teachers who are "unfit" to teach our children but still collect a check due to union regulations will provide continuing education for those who require it as a part of their pay. Instead of sitting at home under the protection of their union contracts they will go to these facilities and teach GED courses and higher education preparatory classes. Vouchers will be issued for discounted education and colleges and vocational schools can bid on these contracts to fill their classrooms.

This will better service those who are stuck in a welfare class and desire to get out and also eliminate the element of gangs and drug involvement in the welfare class. If cash is no longer available they will lose interest in them.