Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Since when did news stop being news?

I have tried to find a single news source to quench my lust for information. These days we see news shows with panels of talking heads arguing with each other over topics of the day. Since when did journalists become authorities on anything but journalism? If we want to discuss the military or politics why do we have a panel full of people who report on those topics instead of those who do this for a living? I understand there is more to life than a college degree and that some folks are rife with life experiences. I do however appreciate those who have less education than I to be better listeners than talkers.

I am sure I could heed some of my own advice and stop spouting off about everything that has been a burr in my saddle all these years but at least I am choosing an appropriate forum for such things instead of company Christmas parties and church gatherings! I recall a time where news reporters reported the story not their slanted opinion. If I want your opinion I will ask. If you are an ass about it and I want your opinion I will tell you what your opinion should be.

I would love to see a straight journalistic approach to the news again and let me form my own opinion. This world of arguing mouth pieces is really beginning to bore the socks off of me!

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