Sunday, January 13, 2013

Come on Sheeple it is time to step up.

Dear Americans who think everything should be fixed by our Government,

You are delusional and in much need of a reality check. I am going to be so blunt as to deal you some "Reality Cash" in this blog. I hope I offend you. You pampered little whiney babies! Get your head out of your hind end and take responsibility for what you say and do! So you got drunk at that party when you were young and got pregnant or were involved in some way in the act that created a child. EVERYTHING THAT CHILD SAYS OR DOES FOR THE NEXT 18 YEARS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You made a mistake now own up to it. Manage yourself so you can properly raise that child and take care of them. Yes this means you sacrifice. Yes this means you stay home more weekends than you go out. Yes this means you wear clothes until they fall apart. Yes this means you settle for the cheaper things in life. Yes this means you take care of that old vehicle. Yes this means you work hard every single day.

Quit whining about what you don't have and with a grateful heart start looking at the blessings that are in your life. YES YOU WIMP YOU ARE BLESSED! While we are on the subject of weakness I hold each and every person responsible for the following characteristics: Laziness, Stupidity, Crass Language, Rude Behavior. There is no excuse for this so stop being a 3 year old and grow up!

Now for all you self esteem cases who keep jerking around doing things that are outside the realm of intelligent thought and polite behavior STOP IT! You are making an ass of yourself and I for one am tired of tolerating you. You are a moron if you believe that material things or drastic changes in your outward appearance flatter you or impress me in any positive way. You make yourself look a fool and should be treated as such.

For those of you who preach peace love and tolerance, kiss my fat behind! I am no longer willing or capable to ignore stupid behavior and you are full of manure! It doesn't make me feel good to allow other people to hurt themselves and their children because they need attention that Mommy and Daddy didn't give them.

Simply put stop all this nonsense and take some reality cash and get your head in the game folks. You only get one run at this thing called life so stop fumbling the ball and pointing at someone else as an excuse.

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