Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Grim Reaper of Stupidity

Brothers and Sisters! The Grim Reaper of Stupidity has descended upon us! We have a situation in this country that has become an epidemic. Folks we have a shortage of sensible, decent, hard working folks to keep all the idiots in check. We have allowed unruly children to take over the house. We let them forcibly elect a President who cannot and will not make them behave. Our government has prostituted themselves over a vote. They have cow towed to the lazy. They have given from the haves to the will nots. Yes they have lead the unknowing into the light of free stuff for the sake of remaining in power. We are all to blame for allowing our children and family members to act this way. They have used civil rights and lawyers and police forces to take our ability to deal with our own away from us. Now we have nothing left but to allow the behavior until the children behave so poorly that they break the laws of those lifting up their piss poor behavior to begin with. We have allowed the ignorant access to vast amounts of money that is not theirs and they did not earn in the name of capitalism. We have built a financial house of cards by lending huge sums of money to people who have no prayer of paying it back. We build houses people cannot afford and sell them cars they cannot keep and sell them electronics they can ill afford while lavishing each other with jewelry they cannot pay for. Then they claim bankruptcy and you and I pay the price for their fiscal irresponsibility. We give those who refuse to work the false hope that they too deserve The American Dream. We allow people who are not citizens of this country to enjoy a living condition which exceeds the lower 30% of the working population for no other reason than to make a small group of politicians feel like they are good people? Stupid can kill folks. It is breaking the backs of a full 45% of the population. Now if I am forced between the decision to follow these ridiculous laws or break them and rebel in order to properly care for my family guess which one I will choose. Outward resistance to these back breaking laws made by greedy power hungry narcissists is going to be the next civil uprising. If America comes to this we will see the collapse of the world economy and war on a global scale never before seen. So how many people are you actually saving by doing this you mindless usurpers of liberty?

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