Thursday, July 11, 2013

Face Value

I would like to thank every person who has ever lied, fudged, or fibbed. I can no longer take ANYTHING at face value. I know that forgiveness is a part of being human and being a good person but wow. having been raked over the coals so many times there are very few things I accept at face value. I realized this this morning as I was reading things and being totally dismissive of the face value of what was being said. It is real easy to become a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist when everything you see or hear is a half truth. Then someone comes along and is actually genuine and BINGO I don't believe what they are saying. It is almost like the entire English language reverts to the least likely definition of each and every word. My head is going to explode soon I am sure of it. You turn on the television, LIES. You read the newspaper, LIES. A politician takes in a breath, LIES. Your kids get caught in a tight spot, LIES. Someone is the least bit uncomfortable with you, LIES.

Then someone comes along and is genuine and honest and I wonder why I can't believe what I am hearing or seeing. I wonder why people get so bent when they do the right thing and still get screwed over? Wow perhaps the simple truth is the truth and we all need a hell of a lot more of it. There has never been a lie told that is ultimately easier than the truth. I am trying to raise three boys with this in mind. It is very hard when they are lied to constantly. It makes me want to apologize to everyone who is honest and sincere because I am almost incapable of believing you. Just before I started writing this I picked apart a friends blog because I was seeing ulterior motives where there were none. For that I feel like shit. But it makes me wonder how many people do the same to me? How do we keep from clubbing each other like baby seals every time we speak?

Is there a place that exists where face value is face value? I mean even with religion, politics, and sexual relationships aside can the average person be trusted any more? You go to buy something that is promoted as this product for this price, LIES. You end up paying a hell of a lot more for the idea they placed in your head and that is what advertising has become. It is a lie to achieve the up sell. Case in point have you bought a car or a house lately? How about appliances or electronics? One lie after another until you get your wallet out then we get to the truth. Just tell me what it costs to get what I want and we will start there. You are not going to wear me down because I can walk away. Lets talk cable and internet or cellular service. Ever hire a contractor? All a big pack of lies to get more money out of you.

In conclusion what is real anymore? What happened to genuine care and consideration for others? I miss that sense of community and sharing. Be it good or bad people are ashamed of who they are and unwilling to play the hand of cards they are dealt. It may not be the winning hand but at least you are in the game!  

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