Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A letter to my boys

Dear Son,

     I would take on the world for you if I could. Even when you think I am not paying attention I drink in every word. You are my past, present, and future in one package. In my eyes you are perfect. I am not being mean I am being passionate. I fuss because I am worried. I rejoice in every advancement you make. You amaze me every day. You are the better part of me given back as a joyous gift that I get to enjoy with each breath I take. When you are sad I am sad. When someone hurts you I get mad. With every smile it makes me glad to be so lucky to have you. I try very hard to give you the benefit of all I have learned. I try very hard to steer you from the pitfalls I failed to avoid. I want to teach you right and try so hard it hurts. Everything I have is yours without having to ask. I want more for you than even you can imagine. I relish the person you are becoming and cherish the life we have had together. I may not be here forever but you will be with me forever. I will never stop watching over you. I wish for you all the joy you have given me. I love you and am very proud of you. I may not say that near enough or with enough conviction but it is there in every thing I do for you. If you fall I will be there to teach you. If you succeed I will be there to praise you. If you cry I will be there to hug you. No matter what happens from this day forward I will always be there to love and watch over you. Be who God made you to be and be happy with who you are. I already am.



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