Tuesday, November 27, 2012

World Affairs

Yes folks it is a sad day when people actually think digging up old dead Muslims might provide closure and ensure peace in a region rife with angry little men. These are the biggest bunch of cry babies I have ever seen in my life. I have experienced more legitimate testosterone at a drag review! I am so sorry you are experiencing a life that sucks so much. It seems you complain about everyone and anyone who fails to meet your standards. You sure can preach it but you certainly have proved you can't live it. Time to take some responsibility for how and why you are being treated the way you are. You burn our flag, attack our embassies, kill our people, hijack our planes, attack our infrastructure, kill civilian targets, and make countless hate videos showing our people being beheaded. Think about how you are teaching us to treat you. Is this the way you would like us to treat you? Perhaps if you make an honest effort to stop being petty dictators, terrorists, and thugs you might get a chance to join us in the real world. Of course if you would like to return to the stone ages and cook your meals over fires made from dried camel manure I am sure we can accommodate you. Just keep doing what you are doing now.

Now to the topic of The United Nations. What a failed joke. If you think you can take away our freedom that so many of us have died preserving then you have another thing coming. I suggest you either pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow or expect to be tarred, feathered, and run out of this country on a rail. Try us we can and will defend our democracy starting with evicting you. This charade you think you are perpetrating on us ends now. Take your Marxism, Socialism, and Communism and stick it from whenst it comest.

And finally financial aid. Kiss it in the brown! It needs to stop and stop now. I am all for humanitarian aid but giving these morons cash is like giving a drunk money instead of feeding him. They will take our cash and buy guns and bombs not food or medicine. So lets send them surplus food and a box of bandaids and see if they can do any better than we did building a country. This crap about buying them is stupid and has proven to fail time and time again. Take all that foreign aid money and put it into the military. I am willing to bet we can play king of the hill a hell of a lot longer than they can.

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